You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though He was God, He did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, He gave us His divine privileges; He took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When He appeared in human form, He humbled Himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.
Philippians 2:5-8 (NLT)
A professor was interviewing for a teaching position at a university. He arrived early so he could get his lay of the land, see what the school was all about. While walking, he saw a gardener and started up a friendly conversation to ask questions about the school, its students and staff. He learned what he wanted to know, and after their pleasant chat came to a close, he went to his interview. It went well, so the staff wanted him to meet the president of the school. The professor walks into the president’s office and, lo and behold, the gardener is the president. The president was impressed with the professor’s willingness to talk to a lowly gardener, so, coupled with his good interview, the professor was offered the position and worked at the school for over a decade (this story is true, by the way).
Many would wisely view the story above as a cautionary tale to be kind to whoever you meet, because you never know what position they may prove to hold later. But the other detail to note is the humility of the university’s president. We often hear stories of people abusing power, so it’s refreshing and much easier to respect leaders who are willing to put power aside to do what needs to be done.
Christ humbled Himself to a degree we can never truly comprehend. The God of the universe became a man, lived a human life, hung out with sinners and wrongfully died a criminal’s death on a cross. A president planting flowers is inconsequential compared to that.
Jesus didn’t do this begrudgingly. He did it with enthusiasm, because it’s His nature to love and serve. When God asks you to do something, He isn’t asking you to do anything harder than what He’s already done. That’s the Lord and Savior He is. That’s the God we know, love and serve.
APPLICATION: Take a moment to reflect on humility.
- Can you compare who you were to who you are and pinpoint areas where God has strengthened your humility? If so, take time to thank God for making you more like Him in those areas.
- Is there an area where you need more humility? Take time to invite God into that part of your heart and ask for His guidance in quelling your pride.
- Reflect on the God of the universe becoming a man to save fallen man, to save you. As you reflect, thank Him for any insight he brings to your mind.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your humility. You call me to be humble, and I can only grow in humility through Your power and strength. Jesus, thank You for modeling this for me and making me more like You. Amen.
“… Our Father in heaven…” Matthew 6:9b (NLT)
- What do You want to say to me today as my Father?
“… may Your name be kept holy.” Matthew 6:9c (NLT)
- What do You want to reveal to me about Your power today?
“May Your Kingdom come soon.” Matthew 6:10a (NLT)
- Help me make Your priorities my priorities today.
“Give us today the food we need,” Matthew 6:11 (NLT)
- Is there anything specific You want me to do with my time or the people I’m around today?
“and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us” Matthew 6:12 (NLT)
- Reveal to me anyone I need to forgive or ask for forgiveness.
“And don’t let us yield to temptation…” Matthew 6:13a (NLT)
- Is there anywhere I’m vulnerable to temptation?