Day One | Monday

The Father Keeps Us from Fear


“So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.”

Luke 12:32 (NLT)




Regardless of what type of earthly father you’ve had, the Bible calls God a Good Father. Kids should feel safe when they have their dad around. Often, the weight or fear we carry comes from not seeing God as a Father Who is near. We have a heavenly Father who watches over us.


Prayer Practice


Try to picture God as your Dad. Imagine sitting beside Him and sensing His presence. Relax and enjoy simply being in the presence of God.


Thank God that with Him, you don’t have to be afraid.


Ask God to drive out any fears that keep you from His peace and presence. Ask God whatever is on your heart.


Think about all the things that cause fear in you. Give those to God. Ask Him if there’s anything He wants to say about those things you’re giving Him!