Day Five | Friday

Praise His Knowledge


How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!

Psalm 147:5 (NLT)




It’s amazing to think God doesn’t learn. It’s also encouraging to know the One guiding your life knows everything. He can see everything, so you can trust that He sees what you don’t.


Prayer Practice


Think of the most intelligent person you know. God has given them that knowledge. Sit in the wisdom of God.


Thank God for His wisdom and the wisdom He gives to those who seek Him. Thank Him that He is a God of clarity, not confusion.


Ask God to help you grow deeper in your knowledge of Him. Whatever you’re wrestling with, invite Him to speak into those situations. Sit and listen. Write down what He shares with you.


Whatever He spoke to you, surrender those things. Be faithful to act on what He shared with you.