Day Seven | Sunday

Praise His Character


But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.

Psalm 86:15 (NLT)




It’s one thing to have a powerful being, but another to have a powerful being who’s good. We can trust God because of His character. Most people don’t do well with power. However, God wields it perfectly.


Prayer Practice


Think of God’s patience with us. Think of God’s patience with our culture.


·         Thank God for His compassion.
·         Thank God for His mercy.
·         Thank God for His patience.
·         Thank God for His love.
·         Thank God for His faithfulness.


Ask God to help you demonstrate the very things you gave thanks for above. Ask Him to help you have compassion, mercy, patience, love and faithfulness for others today.


Any area of your life you prayed above that doesn’t look like God, surrender to Him.