Day Four | Thursday



First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone,

1 Timothy 2:1 (CSB)




Part of being a citizen of God’s Kingdom on Earth bears a responsibility and privilege to lift others in prayer. The Apostle Paul says in Philippians 1:19 that he was delivered as a result of others’ prayers. Think about that! As we intercede, with the authority we’ve been given, Heaven is strengthening and working under the surface. What a humbling thought to think of getting to Heaven one day and seeing the impact of the prayers we prayed for others. If God has placed someone on your heart, be faithful to pray for them. Don’t underestimate the power of intercessory prayer.


Prayer Practice


Reflect on the promise that the Spirit of God intercedes on our behalf (Romans 8:26). What an encouraging thought that the Spirit of God knows exactly what to pray for even when we don’t. You are loved, seen and prayed for. Sit in that.


Thank God that He entrusts us with the responsibility of interceding on behalf of others.


Ask God today to place one person on your heart so you can pray for them. Ask Him if there’s anything specific He wants you to pray. Take a moment to still your mind. Slow down your thoughts and ask Him to bring someone to mind.


Try doing this several times throughout the day. Like anything, the more you do something, the more comfortable you’ll feel. The more time you spend interceding, the louder God’s voice will become. Yield to the reality that He has called every one of us to lift others in prayer. May you fully embrace your role as an intercessor.