Day Six | Saturday

Love for the Lost


“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.”

Luke 19:10 (CSB)




Jesus Christ came to the Earth for those who are lost and to save them from their way of living. May we be reminded WHY Jesus came to this earth. He didn’t come to condemn those who weren’t following Him. He didn’t come just to gather the Christians together. He came so that those far from Him might find eternal life.


Prayer Practice


Think back on your life before Christ. Picture God as He pursued you. Think about what you felt when God awakened you to His love.


Thank God for sending Jesus and His Holy Spirit to rescue and transform your life. Thank Him for the life that you now have in Him!


Ask God for one environment in your life (work, school, neighborhood, restaurant, etc.) that you can use as a mission field to share the Gospel. Ask Him to give you a boldness in that space.


Everyone is called to be a light. God has uniquely placed you where you are for such a time as this. Think about it. You’ve been part of God’s plan to help draw others to Him since the beginning of time. Only the Spirit of God can transform a life, but you are called to be a light. Please don’t dismiss this calling. It’s for everyone.