Day Three | Wednesday

God Provides Delight


Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart’s desires.

Psalm 37:4 (NLT)




I love what C.S. Lewis says, God is the most delightful being in the universe. Whatever joy and delight you have doesn’t even compare to God’s. God doesn’t want you to only do things for Him. He wants us to delight in Him.


Prayer Practice


Spend time thinking about God's delight and joy. Reflect on the ways He brings joy to your life and the lives of others.


Rejoice that God is a happy God who wants us to be happy and joyful. Rejoice that His plans and His presence create a deep joy.


Ask God to fill you with deeper joy. Ask Him to help you smile, laugh, and see Him in those moments.


Yield to the picture of God delighting in you as His child. Picture the way He cares for you and looks favorably over you. God doesn’t just love you. He also likes you. Let His delight awaken you to the depth of His goodness and love. Sit and receive this gift.