Day Seven | Sunday

God Provides the Spirit


“I am telling you these things now while I am still with you. But when the Father sends the Advocate as My representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.”

John 14:25-26 (NLT)




Jesus says something shocking in John 16. He says that it’s better for Him to go away. What?!? Jesus is saying that after His death and resurrection, anyone who’s a child of God will have the Holy Spirit dwell in them. In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God dwelled in the Temple. In the New Testament, WE are now called God’s temple, the place where His Spirit dwells.


Prayer Practice


Sit and reflect that the Spirit of God is with you. You’re the temple of God if you are a Christ follower. Miraculously, God is with us and chooses to dwell within us.


Thank God that He’s given you the Spirit of God to help you walk with Him. Thank Him that the Spirit will always be with you no matter where you go or what happens.


Ask God to increase the Spirit’s voice in your life! Ask Him if anything will help you hear His voice clearer. Ask Him to help you tune out the sounds of this world and tune into His voice.


Listen for the Spirit to hear if there’s anything He wants to say to you and if there's anything you need to surrender to Him.