Day Three | Wednesday

Never Turned Away


But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

1 John 1:9 (NLT)




Confession can seem like such a scary, churchy word. Yet, at its core, confession is healthy and healing. By admitting and owning our shortcomings, we acknowledge our need for Jesus to forgive us. He won’t turn us away. It’s in confession that we find freedom.


Prayer Practice


What small area of your life have you been keeping from God? What sin have you been holding on to or trying to hide from Him? Reflect on whether you’re giving Jesus everything or only a portion of who you are.


Thank God for His faithfulness to forgive us without fail. Where we may struggle to forgive someone, God promises to always meet us in our brokenness with grace and redemption.


Invite the Spirit to point out anything in you that is offensive to Him (Psalm 139:24).


Let God grow within you a trust in who He is and how He loves you. Release your anxious and insecure thoughts of rejecting Him.