Day Three | Wednesday



The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. …

1 Corinthians 10:13a (NLT)




When we submit to temptation and engage in sin, we often become defensive about our failure, claiming that our trial was too much for anyone to resist. The Bible tells us that many others have suffered the same type of enticement, so resistance is possible through reliance on God.


Prayer Practice


Is there any area of your life or circumstances where you feel your temptations and trials are worse than what others experience?


Thank God that you’re not alone in your suffering and trials.


Ask God to give you insight into how others endure their trials, perhaps by connecting you with people withstanding similar tests.


Refuse to view yourself as a victim who’s treated worse than others by God or by other people. Reject self-pity. Realize God’s children are not victims. Instead, rely on God and trust Him for support.