Day Four | Thursday



"You say, 'I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!' and you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked."

Revelation 3:17 (NLT)


The Laodiceans would describe themselves as self-sufficient because of their wealth, but Christ condemns this attitude. He calls them poor and blind and naked (v. 17).


The last term Jesus uses to describe the Laodiceans in v. 17 is naked. In ancient culture, nakedness was the picture of ultimate humiliation (2 Samuel 10:4, Isaiah 20:4), and expensive clothes were a way to honor people (Esther 6:6-11, Daniel 5:29).


Calling the Laodiceans naked would rouse feelings of shame and humiliation. Likewise, Jesus emphasizes this condemnation by challenging them to “buy white garments” from Him in v.18. Laodicea was known for their clothes made exclusively with black wool.


Jesus is trying to make clear that their riches have made them complacent and self-reliant. In the kingdom of God, we must learn to rely upon the Holy Spirit that indwells us, Christ’s provision in His finished work on the cross, and God’s divine sovereignty. But we’re often drawn to our methods, strengths and resources.


APPLICATION: Accept a challenge today to spend two or three minutes quietly and present yourself to God as you are. You can share a short prayer such as, Father, I am here, or Jesus be with me. Then allow your mind and heart to slow down and be present with God.


It can be so easy for me to fall into patterns of self-reliance instead of coming to You first. Today I ask that You be my guide. Please remind me of Your presence throughout the day and help me as I try to interact with people around me.
I thank You in advance for what You’ll do.