Day Six | Saturday



"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear My voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends."

Revelation 3:20 (NLT)


Jesus is outside the door knocking, inviting those inside to answer His knock. The Greek tense of the verb knocking illustrates someone trying to get in, not just a rhythmic tap at the door. This is Christ’s appeal, moving from a congregational letter to a personal invitation.


There’s a possibility that the tender knock of the Lord may reach some individuals but not the entire church. Even though this church has gone awry, it’s being invited back into fellowship with the Father. Christ would not only eat with them but invite them into a continual relationship which is encouraging.


Have you felt you’ve missed the invitation of Christ? Are you or have you felt like you’re in a dry and weary land?


Take a moment and accept the invitation of Jesus to enjoy a meal with Him. Spend time in His presence, thankful for his availability and graciousness towards you.


You are so good to me. God, please share some time with me today. Speak to my weary heart. I’m ready to enter whatever conversation You want with me today. I am thankful for You.