Day Seven | Sunday



"And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony."

Revelation 12:11 (NLT)


The early church reminded the enemy that he was defeated by two things— the blood of Jesus and the power of their testimony. Think about it. There’s power in your testimony. There is power when you share your story. Some say, My story is crazy enough or My story is too crazy. Let me release you from this kind of thinking. You’re not the center of the story. Jesus is. He is the central person and the central part. So talk about how He’s transformed your life. You don’t have to preach a sermon. You share what God’s done in and through you.


People will argue theology. They’ll argue Bible verses and sermons. However, no one will argue about the power of a transformed life. So be faithful to share what God’s done in your life. This is what Revelation says caused the early Church to explode. They weren’t theologians, pastors or the elites who turned the world upside down for Jesus. They were common, ordinary men and women whom the blood of Jesus had transformed. They were telling the world–that was it. They were transformed people telling their stories to the world no matter how hostile it was.


Following Jesus isn’t complex, and it isn’t always easy. God calls us to live with boldness. To speak and be faithful to tell others how Jesus rescued us. The point is that change has to be accurate in us, then we need to talk about it. We don’t have to pump ourselves up. Point to the work of Jesus in our lives. This helps release us from the pressure.


Rick Warren says People aren’t going to trust Jesus until they trust you. People usually don’t ask me if the Bible is credible. They want to see that I am credible. Do I live with integrity? Am I gentle? Am I loving? Am I compassionate? In the same way, no snowflakes are the same, they're all unique. People are unique, and God has purposely placed us where we are. We may be the only person who can reach those around us. Our jobs aren’t to convert everybody to Jesus—that’s the Spirit’s job. Our job is to scatter seeds. The Spirit will take what we share and use it how He sees fit. Our job is to show up, speak up and tell others what Jesus means to us.


APPLICATION: Think about your story. Ask God who He’s placed around you who needs to hear it.


PRAYER: Ask the Spirit who needs to hear your story this week.