Day One | Monday



"Write to the angel of the church in Thyatira: Thus says the Son of God, the One whose eyes are like a fiery flame and Whose feet are like fine bronze…"

Revelation 2:18 (CSB)


The letter to the church in Thyatira begins by describing Jesus’ eyes and feet. This picture is meant to evoke a strong response in the readers as Christ is seen as all-seeing. I think often in churches today, this strong imagery of Christ is often replaced with a Jesus Who excuses sin and is often laissezfaire in His approach to those living in rebellion with the ways of God.


So, it shouldn’t surprise us that professing Christians struggle with indulging their flesh. We must begin to see our actions as if they were displayed in front of Christ. Knowing that Christ, who died for our sins, sees them all should evoke an emotional response of shame or even disappointment. I’ve heard that shame has no place in a Christian’s life, but it does when it leads us to Christ, Who gives us peace!


So how does seeing Jesus in the way He describes Himself in this passage motivate you to live in a more Christ-honoring way? How would recognizing Him as an all-seeing Savior change the way you live?


APPLICATION: The eyes of Christ see all, and we must be willing to identify what’s leading us astray from our faith and respond with vigilance.


Help me be concerned with what concerns You. Please help me see what’s leading me astray in my faith and give me the courage to overcome so I can fully devote myself to You and Your Kingdom. Amen.