Day Three | Wednesday



"I know your works—your love, faithfulness, service, and endurance. I know that your last works are greater than the first." Revelation 2:19 (CSB)


Jesus shares four positive qualities of the church in Thyatira: Love, faithfulness, service and endurance. Love and faithfulness involve attitudes, and service and endurance include the results of these attitudes. Love and faithfulness are two of the three core Christian virtues (see 1 Corinthians 13:13 faith, hope, and love.) These qualities describe a growing relationship with Christ and faithful obedience to Him.


Love and faith lead to service and endurance. As we say at Brookwood, growing in your love for God and others leads to serving others. The church at Thyatira was praised for its growth in this area.


Serving others and a willingness to endure difficulty conflicts with indulging selfish desires. But this fight against self must begin with loving Christ more than loving ourselves and being faithful to His Word rather than our feelings. When these attitudes characterize our lives, different behaviors result.


Does this describe you?


APPLICATION: I should experience a growing relationship with God that leads towards service to others and a strength to remain faithful regardless of circumstances.


Heavenly Father,
This world is dark, but You’ve placed Your Spirit in me and called me the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Please give me the strength to remain faithful to Your standards in this world that’s lost them. Please guide me in doing this in a way that’ll encourage others to stay faithful as well.

