Day Seven | Sunday



"I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who haven’t known “the so-called secrets of Satan” —as they say—I am not putting any other burden on you. Only hold on to what you have until I come."

Revelation 2:24-25 (CSB)


Jesus ends this section to Thyatira by withholding any new burdens on those intolerant of the false teachings. Some may have been frustrated hearing this encouragement. I can see the driven, Type-A personalities frustrated at no new boxes to check. But Christ is clear, keep on keeping on until Christ returns.


A church that’s pleasing in His sight passionately loves the brothers and sisters in the church and keeps adhering to the teachings of Scripture. These two interrelated practices make a church healthy and the type of church that pleases God. There are no secrets or hidden methods in the way of Christians, only committed contentment to love and obey God.


A commitment to love others and abide by God’s Word are two markers that inevitably result in spiritual success and leads to God’s good pleasure as we honor Him with our lives.


One day this battle will be over. Christ will return as King of the World and receive His followers. We must remain content to follow Christ and reap the rewards one day given to us by Jesus Christ Himself.


Will you remain faithful to these markers of love towards others and devotion to the teachings and ways of Christ? Will you remain content in your call to faithful service for Him?


APPLICATION: We must commit our actions and lives toward the love of others and adherence to the Scriptures.


A lifestyle of contentment feels foreign in this world. The culture tells me I can never have enough, be enough or do enough to be happy and filled with joy. But Lord, help me believe that’s false. Help me seek a quiet, happy life, living out Your purposes with boldness and conviction. Help me resist the pressures of this world and love others, devoting myself to your teaching.

