Day Three | Wednesday



Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah 5:20 (NIV)


In Isaiah’s day, the people of God were starting to conform to the culture around them. They were beginning to compromise on their holiness. What they called evil, they started to call good, and what was good they now called evil. We face this in our culture and society today. We cannot let the moral compromise of the culture creep into the church.


I’m shocked that what’s universally been accepted for 2,000 years regarding sexual ethics (homosexuality, transgender, cohabitating) is now being revised. Jon Tyson, a mentor of mine growing up, said, We live in a time in history where what we believe today around the sexual ethics of Jesus no other Christian has believed in another age. Some claim that the church or God has evolved, but God hasn’t evolved. God can’t mature or grow. His standards of holiness don’t change. What’s changed is that people have begun to call what is evil good, and if you don’t support those views, you are now called evil.


This isn’t the time to compromise on the standards of God. The church loses its influence when it bends to become acceptable to the culture. You cannot change the world if you aren’t a part of it, but you can’t change the world if you are no different. God has called you to be different, not superior or judgmental, but different. He’s called you to act differently. He’s called you to be faithful to His Word. In every area of your life, from the music you listen to, the TV shows you watch, to the amount of alcohol you drink, to the way you raise your kids, God has called you to honor Him. You are called to be faithful to what He calls you to do. Remember, what God allows others to do, He might not allow you to do. When you live out the holiness of God, you’ll face resistance. If you never face opposition, it might be a sign that you’ve compromised in a particular area to be accepted. You cannot please both God and man. You must choose to live your life for an audience of One. Hold firm to the commands of God. It’s the pure in heart who will see God. (Matthew 5:8) Don’t compromise in any area of your life, no matter how much cultural pressure comes your way.


APPLICATION: You cannot change the world if you aren’t a part of it, but you cannot change the world if you aren’t different from it.


PRAYER: Is there any area that you’ve compromised because of cultural pressure? God loves all people, but He has commands on sexual ethics, lifestyle and choices that He wants us to obey. Spend time praying and talking to God about these areas and ask Him to strengthen your resolve to live for Him.