Day Seven | Sunday



Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.” Think carefully about what is right, and stop sinning. …

1 Corinthians 15:33-34a (NLT)


A pastor once told me, Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future. The friends we choose have an incredible impact on our life. It’s good to have non-Christians as friends. If Christians only have believing friends, we won’t have opportunities to share the Good News. I’ve often found that we swing to one side or the other. Some people I know don’t have Christian friends, while others only have friends who are believers. We should have non-Christian friends, but we need some of our closest friends to be Christians.


The people closest to us speak the most into our lives. They help encourage and guide us. They influence us in ways we aren’t even aware of. The truth is, it’s easier to pull someone down than to bring them up. Paul says don’t be fooled—bad company will rub off on you. The people closest to us will help set a course for our lives. It’s hard enough to follow Christ in the world, but it’s almost impossible if our closest friends are constantly criticizing our faith. We should love all people, but we must be wise with whom we let speak into our lives.


We also cannot isolate. We need community. We cannot spiritually mature alone. That’s one of the reasons the Church is so important. It helps us link arms with people moving in the same direction as us. We’re better together. Most people on fire for their faith attend church and are engaged in a Community Group because we need that constant encouragement.


An old proverb says, When you run alone, you run fast. But when you run together, you run far. The Christian life is not a 100-yard dash. It’s a marathon. The passions of others will rub off on us. Think about it: some of our hobbies or interests are because of those closest to us. If we want greater faith, we must surround ourselves with people running after Jesus. Their passions will often affect ours. We must be wise with the friends we bring closest to our lives.


APPLICATION: The friends you choose will direct your future. Spend time with friends who will build you up.


PRAYER: Pray for your friends to keep running after Jesus. If you don’t have any close Christian friends, ask God to bring some people into your life who will help you pursue Him.