Day Two | Tuesday



He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone. He did not retaliate when He was insulted, nor threaten revenge when He suffered. He left His case in the hands of God, Who always judges fairly.

1 Peter 2:22-23 (NLT)


We live in a culture that loves retaliation. We don’t like movies where people take the hits, absorb the evil and forgive. We like to see people settle the score and fight back. We want them to retaliate. This makes for good movies, but it makes for bad faith. One of the most amazing things about Jesus is that He never retaliated, not once. A lot of the time, I deserve the things that happen to me. However, Peter tells us that Jesus never sinned or deceived anyone. He suffered and modeled a way forward. When we suffer, we can think that our circumstances are different than anyone else’s.


John Piper says No one was more grievously sinned against than Jesus. Every ounce of animosity against him was completely undeserved. No one has ever lived who was more worthy of honor than Jesus; and no one has been dishonored more.


I’m amazed that Jesus healed so many people, I’m amazed at His creation power, and I’m amazed that He rose and conquered the grave. But these are all things I expect from a Great King. What’s shocking is that this Great King Jesus never retaliated. He always forgave. Now don’t confuse His patience with weakness. There will be a day when Jesus will come back to judge the world, and all evil will be dealt with (Matthew 25:31-46). However, 1 Peter 2:23 reminds us that even on that day, He’ll judge fairly. It won’t be out of retaliation. So, this verse gives us two reasons to suffer and not retaliate:


  1. Jesus did it.
  2. Jesus will return again to judge, so you don’t have to.


The Spirit of God has given you the power not to retaliate. If your life is truly surrendered to Jesus, you’re called to follow Him in every area, and the choice to not retaliate is the way of Jesus.


APPLICATION: Jesus, who was perfect, never retaliated. Today I choose to lay down my right to retaliate.


PRAYER: Ask God if you’re holding on to something. Not retaliating or forgiving doesn’t mean you must trust a particular person. It might be wise to create space, but it means you let go of your right to punish. Ask God to reveal any person or situation you may be holding onto that is causing you pain or bitterness. Ask God to help you start the process of letting go.