Day One | Monday



Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

James 1: 2-4 (NLT)


I remember hitting a wall of crippling anxiety and depression. At first, I was embarrassed that my faith felt weak, especially as a pastor. I was supposed to be faith-filled and hopeful, but I was in a dark place. God gave me a gift in that season, and it was James chapter 1—to consider it joy when we face trials because suffering reveals that our faith is real. I remember feeling anxious one night and then stumbled upon this verse. I realized this simple but profound thought: my faith is real. In difficulty and suffering, I’m not running from God. Instead, I’m running toward Him. Let me encourage you that if you’re struggling, the fact that you haven’t given up shows that your faith is real.


In many ways, suffering is the game that reveals the strength of our faith. People always joke at the beginning of a sports season that every team is undefeated, but as games are played, the power of a team is revealed. In the same way, it’s easy to have faith when things are great, but suffering is the game where faith is revealed. You will struggle. You will be sad. You will be angry or hurt, but showing up demonstrates that your faith is real. That’s a great gift. Cherish that and ask God to strengthen your faith. This is how James says we can have great joy, not because of the bad things we face, but because we have confidence that suffering can’t separate us from the love of God.


One of Satan’s greatest weapons is the fiery darts of discouragement (Ephesians 6:16). He wants you to doubt God, your faith and the future, but James 1 is a gift to give us hope and endurance in the suffering. It’s a way to remind the enemy that even in suffering, we can win because God strengthens us and gives us deeper maturity and endurance if we stay faithful. So even in the trials, rejoice that your faith is real, and God is using this season to grow you into something mighty for Him. Hope. Even rejoice in the tears. God’s got you, and your faith is real.


Look for opportunities today to encourage people who have lost hope and joy because of suffering. Pray for them and speak words of life to them.


Ask God to give you a greater perspective if you’re walking through a difficult season. I invite you to ask God to grow and mature your faith, but fair warning, those growing times usually come through difficult times. Ask Him to grow your faith.