The Opportunity of Crisis


J.C. Thompson | March 18, 2020

We had a meeting Monday where we shared our thoughts and struggles on the decision to postpone/cancel events, not meet in the Auditorium for worship, and be a service to the community by attempting to "flatten the curve."

We shared our feelings, tension, and prayers as we made drastic changes to "church as usual."

But then we started to talk about the "Opportunity of Crisis."

This virus and "social distancing" is forcing us to think proactively about the way we disciple, evangelize and care for those in our community. While it’s true that many will just sit at home and struggle to adjust, many others will be asking, "What is possible?"

This is the time for the church to imagine what is possible!

We wait for folks to come in our doors on Sunday and provide them with incredible music, teaching, and community. But we are being forced to change, at least temporarily.

I never thought that I would see the time that we were not allowed to meet and if we were being forced to not meet, I most certainly thought it would be because of persecution. But we are presented with an incredible opportunity to Go and Tell, instead of love those that come.

I picked up a book recently entitled Resilient: Child Discipleship and the Fearless Future of the Church. The principles are so timely and the authors could not have anticipated the opportunity that lies before us.

Here’s a quote that stuck out to me:

We may not be certain of the future outcomes of our time, resource or financial investments in the kingdom; but we can have absolute certainty regarding our present opportunities. Your investment might be the constant catalyst needed to set the spark of the next "Great Gospel Awakening."

What is God leading your family to pursue or mission to take on while you have an opportunity? What conversations are now possibilities that were not a few short days ago? How can we be proactive in our discipleship, community, and evangelism while remaining in our homes?

This is such a wonderful time to be a follower of Christ. I’m praying that God will use this and us for His glory.