Grow My Faith

Join a Community Group

Why join a Community Group?

  1. Jesus' way of life cannot be learned alone.

  2. God uses relationships to help us grow.

  3. Your life matters to other people.

  4. Community Groups help the church feel more intimate.

  5. Community Groups are a great place to be cared for and celebrated.

Want to be a Community Group Leader? Email us at [email protected]

Find your PLACE

Today more than any time in history, we're bombarded with multiple ways to give our time. You may find yourself asking, Why am I here? Where do I fit? and What can I do to make a difference in my life and the lives of others?

There's a saying that you find your life as you give it away... but first, it helps to know what you have to give. If you find yourself exhausted after volunteering, chances are you're serving outside your gifts. The PLACE process helps you discover how God uniquely designed you, and it'll help you realize His purpose for your life. The PLACE team guides and connects you into ministry by using self-discovery tools and individual coaching.

Through the PLACE process, you’ll discover how God uniquely created and gifted you to serve others and where you can use your gifts to the fullest potential.

God created you for a purpose!

For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10
Find My Place