Meet Jesus

Why would I want to know Jesus?

Because He loves you and died for you so that you could have life – ETERNAL LIFE.
John 17:3

How can I get to know Jesus, and experience eternal life?

Recognize that God loves you and wants you to experience life that is full, free and forever.
John 3:16 / John 10:10

Realize that your self-focus (seeking to fulfill your own desires and needs, which the Bible calls sin) separates you from God and keeps you from the quality and quantity of life God wants for you.
Romans 7:24-25 / Romans 8:6

Receive a faith relationship with Jesus Christ by:

Admitting that you're separated from God by your self-focus (sin).
Romans 3:23 / Romans 6:23

Believing that Jesus died to pay the penalty of death for your sins and that He was raised from the dead to assure you of life.
Romans 3:22 / Romans 5:8 / 2 Corinthians 5:21

Committing to trust Jesus to be your Lord and Master.
Romans 10:9 / Luke 9:23

Depending on Jesus daily for life—on earth and in eternity.
Ephesians 2:8-9

Talk with God to sincerely confess your sin and receive (or renew) a relationship with Jesus by expressing the previous thoughts to HIm in your own words.
Acts 3:19-20 / Romans 10:13 / 1 John 1:9

Tell someone about your decision to trust your life to Jesus and join a community of healthy followers of Christ.
Romans 10:9-10 / Hebrews 10:24-25

Questions? Whether you want to discuss questions of faith, are giving your life to Jesus, or seeking to renew your devotion to Him, we’d love to help you take those next steps in building an ongoing, growing relationship with Jesus.

If we can be an encouragement or support to you, please reach out to a pastor using the links below: