War Relief

War causes suffering – it separates families, destroys homes, and causes hunger. Where there is suffering, the Church goes to give hope.

Join us as we offer prayers and financial support to those displaced by the war in Ukraine.

Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone – especially to those in the family of faith.

Galatians 6:10 (NLT)

Church pews fashioned as beds give rest to displaced families.

Brookwood partners, Bridge Builders International (BBI) and World Relief, are experts, best equipped to deliver practical, Christ-centered care with the most significant impact.

Natalie Meeks of Bridge Builders International and Brookwood Associate Pastor Joshua Masters toured a warehouse in the border city of Chelm, Poland, where food pallets are organized for distribution within Ukraine. Check out this short video from them and be encouraged!

Consider how your gift could help provide hope for those impacted by war.

Bridge Builders International In the Baltics and Poland Give Now
World Relief
Efforts Local and Abroad Give Now