Day One | Monday

First Importance


“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.”

Matthew 6:33 (CSB)




Placing God’s Kingdom in the proper place of first importance helps everything else align properly. I find it interesting when my circumstances are good, but my relationship with Jesus isn’t, something always feels missing. In the same way, when my relationship with Jesus is in a good place, and my circumstances are bad, I still have peace and joy. The challenge is to ensure Jesus is at the center of my life and not just a part of it!


Prayer Practice


Take a moment in the busyness to slow down and reflect on the joy and life Jesus brings. Let your heart delight in who He is.


Thank Jesus that you were important enough to Him to leave Heaven's glory and comfort and give His life for you to know Him. Rejoice that this great God has chosen us to be His sons and daughters.


Take a moment to write down your tasks for the week. Look at what’s consuming your thoughts and energy. Ask God to help you prioritize those tasks so He can be at the center of your life this week.


Now receive that reordered list back from Him in prayer. What moved to the top of the list? Share the list with someone close to you and ask them to pray for you as you seek God first this week.