Day Two | Tuesday



“I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth will have been bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will have been loosed in Heaven.”

Matthew 16:19 (CSB)




Often, prayer can feel less than exciting because we’re ignorant of our authority in Kingdom prayer. Think of yourself as an embassy. An embassy isn’t governed by the area or province it’s in. It’s governed and given authority by the place it’s from. Jesus says once you become His follower, you’re governed by His Kingdom, and you’re to live out your faith on Earth. It’s important to know, though, that you’ve been given His authority to help bring His Kingdom to this Earth, and one of the ways you do that is through prayer. So, lean in today, knowing that God is listening and ready to send the resources of Heaven to help as we pray in the Spirit!


Prayer Practice


Take a moment and reflect on who you are in the Kingdom of God. In the Kingdom of God, there aren’t any all-stars or captains. Everyone is given the full authority of God when they’re surrendered to Him. Reflect on this.


Thank God for trusting you and wanting to partner with you. Thank Him that He’s given you Kingdom authority in prayer.


Ask God if there’s anywhere you’re operating in your strength. Ask Him to reveal where you’re using your authority instead of His. Now ask Him for His will to be done in that area.


Surrender whatever the Spirit reveals you’re trying to carry or move forward in your strength. Let the Spirit breathe fresh life and encouragement into you today. We become less so He can become more in our lives!