Day Three | Wednesday



“In the days of those kings, the God of the heavens will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be left to another people. It will crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself endure forever.”

Daniel 2:44 (CSB)




Think of all the businesses, kingdoms and products that have come and gone. When I was little, I would’ve thought Toys “R” Us or Blockbuster would have been around forever. People in Jesus’ days thought the Roman empire would live on throughout the ages. If you were betting on which kingdom would continue, Jesus or the Roman Empire, during the peak of Roman power, not many people would’ve said Jesus. Yet His Kingdom is still on the move. His Kingdom is still advancing. His Kingdom will never be shaken. What a comforting thought that though businesses, kingdoms, products and people rise and fall, Jesus’ Kingdom will never end!


Prayer Practice


Think about the firm foundation of Jesus’ Kingdom—how people throughout the ages have given their lives to build His Kingdom. Sit and reflect on how His Kingdom has endured the test of time, skeptics and opposition. Rest in the truth that His Kingdom is unshakeable.


Rejoice and thank God that He’s rescued you and has invited you to be a part of a Kingdom that has no end.


Take a moment and ask the King of Kings to share a view of the Kingdom with you. What does He point out? What do you see?


How does being a part of this enduring Kingdom change how you live? What can you do differently today as a result? Knowing there’s no power like Jesus, how does that enable you to take risks for Him?