Day Five | Friday

God Provides Peace


The LORD gives strength to His people; the LORD blesses His people with peace.

Psalm 29:11 (NIV)




Peace isn’t found in our circumstances. Instead, real peace is found in Christ. I love how John Ortberg said it: Peace doesn’t come from finding a lake with no storms, it comes from having Jesus in your boat. Some people have great circumstances, but still, peace evades them, while others have difficult circumstances with a peace that comes from life with Jesus.


Prayer Practice


Practice being still with the Lord. Spend a few minutes in His presence. Sit and think about the peace that Jesus brings.


Thank Him for the peace that you have in the storms of life because of Him. Thank Him that His peace is available to every one of us today.


Ask Him to give peace to you and others in your life. Ask Him if there’s anything that you’re trying to carry or control in your strength.


Give Him whatever you’re trying to control. Give Him control of your life, health, finances, family and future. Let His peace wash over you as you return those things to Him!