Day Six | Saturday

God Provides a Faithful Promise


And I am certain that God, Who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Philippians 1:6 (NLT)




Steph, my wife, will often remind me there are unfinished projects I’ve started. Usually, I’ve forgotten because I’m already on to the next thing. I’m good at starting things and need more practice finishing them. This verse reminds us that God never starts a work in us and forgets or gets too busy to complete the task. Rest assured, God is working and will continue to work in your life in mighty ways when you keep Him at the center.


Prayer Practice


Reflect on God’s goodness to mature and grow your faith. Reflect on the fact that He never sleeps or slumbers.


Thank God that He’s always working for your good. Thank Him for the ways He’s already grown your faith. Thank Him for the victories in your life. Thank Him for the victories you haven’t seen yet but will one day!


Ask Him to grow your faith in mighty ways this year. Ask Him to give you confident hope that spiritually, the best days are ahead when you keep Him at the center of your life.


Spiritual adrenaline allows us to do what we can for a season, but transformation is what the Spirit does in us over a lifetime. Let the Spirit have His way in your life.